$10,500 High Roller: Brad Owen Eliminated in 3rd Place ($107,800)

Dec 4, 2023

Joao Simao completes the small blind to 60,000, Brad Owen raises from the big blind to 225,000, and Simao limp-shoves all in.

Owen calls all in for about 700,000 with Heart KClub Q, and he needs it to hold to stay alive against Simao’s Diamond KHeart J.

The board comes Diamond JSpade 9Spade 7Heart 6Heart A — Simao flops a pair of jacks to Owen’s gutshot straight draw, but Owen improves no further. Simao wins the pot with his pair of jacks to eliminate Owen in third place.

Brad Owen  –  Eliminated in 3rd Place  ($107,800)

There will be a short break before heads-up play begins. Here are the official chip counts for the start of heads-up play:

Ian Bradley  –  4,280,000  (71 bb)
Joao Simao  –  3,420,000  (57 bb)

And here are the payouts:

1st: $240,625
2nd: $154,000

3rd: Brad Owen  –  $107,800
4th: Ethan “Rampage” Yau  –  $77,000
5th: István Birizdó  –  $57,365
6th: Pavel Plesuv  –  $44,275
7th: Jim Collopy  –  $35,035
8th: Andrew Lichtenberger  –  $28,875
9th: Shunsuke Tokoo  –  $25,025

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