A Fortunate River For Travis Egbert

May 23, 2023

Travis Egbert raises to 9,000 on the button and gets calls from Ryan Salunga in the small blind and Sang Sim in the big blind.

The flop comes Diamond 4Spade QDiamond A and action is checked to Egbert, who continues for 10,500. Only Sim calls to see the Club 3 on the turn.

Both players now check, but on the Club K river, Sim leads for 12,500 which gets a quick call from Egbert.

Sim shows Club QHeart 7 for a flopped pair of queens, but Egbert shows Spade KClub 7 for a winning pair of kings on the river.

Travis Egbert – 240,000 (60 bb)
Ryan Salunga – 575,000 (143 bb)
Sang Sim – 182,000 (45 bb)

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