A Good Judge of Talent

Apr 3, 2007

Dave Vogel cashed in five of seven tournaments last week. By the time he got to the big one here at Foxwoods, he was mentally exhausted. “I played like an idiot” he told me. Good thing he made a couple of solid investments to make up for it.

Vogel found out just prior to the tournament that neither Frankie Flowers or Luis Vazquez had seats into the tournament. He’d never gotten involved with staking before, but his faith in two players he’s played against regularly warranted that kind of investment.

“I have 60% of Luis and 40% of Flowers” He told me. Both players are assured of at least $60,429, the tenth place prize, and chances are one or both will make a good deal more.

“Luis is one of the best tournament players I’ve ever seen.” Vogel told me. “It took me about thirty seconds to offer him the stake when I found out he didn’t have a seat.” Now, Vogel is looking at a minimum of $70,000 in return for his $20,000 investment.

Our producer Dave DiGregorio told him “You’re pretty lucky picking those two horses.” Vogel responded “It wasn’t luck. I knew what I was doing when I picked them.” Can’t argue with that bottom line.

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