Aaron Massey Eliminated in 66th Place by Amir Lehavot

Oct 21, 2022

Amir LehavotPhoto:  Amir Lehavot

Amir Lehavot raises to 12,000 from the cutoff, Thomas Choi calls on the button, Aaron Massey three-bets all in for about 130,000 from the small blind, Lehavot calls, and Choi folds.

Lehavot: Diamond ADiamond 8
Massey: Spade KClub Q

The board runs out Club 6Spade 6Heart 5Heart 10Heart 9, no help to Massey, locking up the pot for Lehavot.

Amir Lehavot  –  640,000  (107 bb)
Aaron Massey  –  Eliminated in 66th Place  ($19,050)

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