Alex Foxen Finished Off by Rishi Makkar in 59th Place

Nov 27, 2023

Photo: Alex Foxen

Alex Foxen raises to 380,000 in the small blind, leaving himself 20,000 behind, and Rishi Makkar calls in the big blind and goes to show his cards until Foxen points out he’s not yet all in.

The flop comes Heart 2Club KClub 2 and Foxen commits his last chips.

Alex Foxen: Club JDiamond 9
Rishi Makkar: Spade 4Diamond 4

Foxen doesn’t find any help on the Diamond 6 turn or Diamond 5 river as Makkar takes the rest of his stack.

Rishi Makkar – 1,400,000
Alex Foxen – eliminated in 59th place ($12,000)

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