Amir Lehavot Doubles Thru Spencer Champlin and Eliminates Upeshka De Silva

Oct 19, 2022

Amir LehavotPhoto:  Amir Lehavot

Amir Lehavot raises all in for 22,100 from the button, Spencer Champlin calls in the small blind, and Upeshka De Silva calls all in for about 8,000 in the big blind.

Lehavot:  Club KSpade Q
Champlin:  Heart 10Club 10
De Silva:  Heart KDiamond J

The board comes Club ASpade JClub 2Club QSpade 5, giving Lehavot a pair of queens on the turn to double through Champlin while eliminating De Silva.

Amir Lehavot  –  55,000  (46 bb)
Specner Champlin  –  89,000  (74 bb)
Upeshka De Silva  –  Eliminated

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