Amir Lehavot Eliminated in 17th Place by Dan Colpoys

Oct 22, 2022

Amir Lehavot
Photo:  Amir Lehavot

Dan Colpoys raises under the gun to 55,000, Amir Lehavot moves all in from the hijack for about 155,000, and Colpoys calls with Spade 10Spade 8.

Lehavot turns over Spade 9Heart 9, and needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade KHeart 10Club 7Club 5Heart 6, and Colpoys pairs his ten on the flop to win the pot and eliminate Lehavot in 17th place.

Dan Colpoys  –  2,780,000  (111 bb)
Amir Lehavot  –  Eliminated in 17th Place  ($44,700)

The final 16 players are now redrawing for random seats at the final two tables.

Amir Lehavot
Photo:  Amir Lehavot

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