Andrew Ostapchenko Eliminated in 38th Place by Carlos Dorca ($24,000)

Apr 11, 2022

Andrew Ostapchenko

We pick up the action on the flop of Spade 6Club 3Diamond 2, and Andrew Ostapchenko is all-in from the big blind for approximately 3,000,000. Carlos Dorca is in the cutoff and calls, having Ostapchenko covered.

Ostapchenko – Diamond 6Diamond 3
Dorca – Spade 5Spade 4

Ostapchenko flops top two pair, but it is no good as Dorca flopped the nut straight. The turn Spade K and the river Heart K fail to improve Ostapchenko, and he is eliminated in 37th place for $24,000, as Dorca moves into the tournament chip lead.

Carlos Dorca – 10,550,000 (176 bbs)
Andrew Ostapchenko – Eliminated in 38th Place ($24,000)

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