Andrey Kotelnikov Pulls Off a Bluff

Aug 25, 2020

Andrey Kotelnikov opens Club KClub 2 and Stuart Guite three-bets Diamond 9Diamond 7 to 5.6 million.

The flop falls Diamond 8Heart 10Club A and Guite continues for 3.4 million, which Kotelnikov check-calls. The turn is a Club 9 and Guite now has the best hand, with a pair of nines. He puts another 9.1 million in and having picked up a flush draw, Kotelnikov calls.

On the Spade A river, the top card has now paired and when Guite doesn’t three-barrel, Kotelnikov gives it some thought before setting 24.3 million all in. His bluff works and yet again the chip lead has changed hands.

Andrey Kotelnikov – 60.7 million
Stuart Guite – 38.2 million

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