Andrey Kotelnikov Takes Down Mix-Max Championship for $488,508; Stuart Guite Wins $366,604 for Runner Up

Aug 25, 2020

It feels like it’s all over in a flash, with a hand that can only be described as a cooler ending almost three hours of final-table play.

Stuart Guite opened to 1.4 million with Diamond JSpade 4 and Andrey Kotelnikov defended with Spade 6Club 3. The Club 5Diamond 4Heart J flop was good for both players – Kotelnikov picked up an open-ended draw and Guite made two pair.

Guite c-bet 2.1 million, which Kotelnikov called. The action really heated up on the turn as a Club 2 landed to make Kotelnikov the straight he was looking for. When Guite bet again, this time for 5.4 million, Kotelnikov went in for a raise, going relatively small for 11.2 million total.

Guite tanked a little before opting to go all in and Kotelnikov snap-called. The Diamond K river was a brick and the straight held, deciding the latest WPT Champion!

A huge congratulations go out to the latest member of the WPT Champions Club, Andrey Kotelnikov. The Russian will have his name etched on the Sexton Cup, joining many poker greats whose names are also engraved on the iconic trophy.

Congratulations to Stuart Guite too for placing runner up and for an incredible run in the Mix-Max Championship.

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