Ankush Mandavia Eliminated in 8th Place ($54,000)

May 6, 2018

Ankush Mandavia Elimination

The action folds to Ankush Mandavia (pictured) in the hijack, and he raises all in for his last 79,000.

It folds to Rainer Kempe in the small blind, and he iso-shoves for 155,000 total. Anthony Zinno folds the big blind, and the cards are placed on their backs.

Mandavia: Club QClub 10
Kempe: Spade ADiamond 8

With Mandavia at risk, he was behind as the dealer spreads a Spade KSpade 8Diamond 6 flop.

Needing a queen or ten to stay alive, Mandavia would see the Club 5 and Diamond 9 roll off on the turn and river to end his tournament in eighth place for a $54,000 payday.

Rainer Kempe – 265,000
Ankush Mandavia – Eliminated in 8th Place ($54,000)

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