Anthony Spinella Eliminated in 20th Place

May 3, 2018

Anthony Spinella

The action folds to Anthony Spinella (pictured) on the button, and he raises to 5,000 before Kevin MacPhee three-bet his small blind to 20,000.

Spinella responds by shoving all in for 65,400, and MacPhee calls.

Spinella: Heart ASpade J
MacPhee: Club ASpade Q

With Spinella in dominated shape, the Club QHeart 3Spade 4 flop would thrust him further behind until the Heart 10 on the turn gave him outs to a straight.

Unfortunately for Spinella, the river lands the Spade 8, and he is eliminated in 20th place.

Kevin MacPhee – 275,000
Anthony Spinella – Eliminated in 20th Place

Meanwhile, Josias Santos was eliminated in 21st place on an adjacent table.

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