Anthony Zinno Eliminated in 7th Place ($67,500)

May 6, 2018

Anthony Zinno elimination

Aaron Ogus raises the hijack to 30,000 and Anthony Zinno (pictured) moves all-in for 75,000 on the button. The blinds fold and Ogus calls with Club 9Spade 9.

Zinno is ahead with Diamond JHeart J but the Spade KHeart 9Heart 3 flop gives Ogus a set. The Club 6 turn and Heart 7 river do not help Zinno and he is out in seventh-place on the final table bubble.

The final six players are now part of the official WPT Bellagio High Roller final table. A wrap of the day’s action is coming shortly.

Aaron Ogus – 857,000
Anthony Zinno – Eliminated in 7th Place ($67,500)

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