Ari Engel Gets Studly on Stavrakis

Dec 8, 2023


Ari Engel: X XX X/Diamond 7Club QDiamond 9Heart A
Fillipos Stavrakis: X XX X/Spade AClub 6Club 10Spade Jfolded sixth street

Picking action up on fifth street after Ari Engel and Filippos Stavrakis checked fourth street, Stavrakis bets out with the lead and gets raised by Engel.

Stavrakis calls, but after Engel picks up an ace of his own on sixth to take the betting lead, Engel fires out, which sends Stavrakis briefly into the tank.

Ultimately he opts to fold and send the pot to Engel. The chips he conserved however would disappear shortly after as he was eliminated from the tournament.

Ari Engel – 72,000
Filippos Stavrakis – eliminated

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