Asher Conniff Collects on a Wet Board

Nov 25, 2022

Gustavo Zorilla opens to 1,200 from middle position and on the hijack is Asher Conniff who three-bets, making it 3,500. Zorilla calls and the dealer spreads out Diamond 10Spade 8Club 4 on the flop.

Conniff continues for 2,700, Zorilla check-calls, and the Diamond 5 turn peels off. Another check to Conniff prompts a bet of 10,000 and Zorilla calls to see the Spade 7 river.

Zorilla shifts gears and leads out for 15,000. Conniff hits the tank, and ultimately he calls for a look. Zorilla tables Diamond 7Diamond 4 for two pair but the chips head to Conniff, when he shows Club 10Club 8 for a higher two.

Asher Conniff – 76,000 (152 bb)
Gustavo Zorilla – 31,000 (62 bb)

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