Bad Beat Sends Amir Lehavot to the Rail

Apr 13, 2019

Amir Lehavot

On a flop of Spade QSpade 8Club 6 with roughly 5,300 in the middle, the small blind bets out 1,100 only to have Amir Lehavot (pictured) raise to 4,400 from the big blind.

The small blind responds by three-betting to 11,000 and Lehavot calls.

The turn is the Diamond 7 and the small blind bets 16,000. Lehavot raises all in for his 30,600 total, and the small blind calls.

Lehavot: Heart QSpade 6
Opponent: Diamond 8Diamond 6

The river lands the Heart 8 to sink Lehavot’s advantage and force him to head to the rail.

Amir Lehavot – Eliminated

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