Ben Yu Eliminated by Ankush Mandavia, Winters Chills Schindler

May 5, 2018

Ben Yu

Ben Yu (pictured) is the first causality of the WPT Bellagio High Roller with Ankush Mandavia collecting the bounty.

Yu was all-in from the small blind for about 60,000 with Spade ASpade J on a flop of Diamond JDiamond 9Diamond 6 against Mandavia in the big blind who had Club QSpade Q.

Mandavia’s overpair held against Yu and it remains to be seen if Yu will re-enter. Tom Marchese has been moved to fill Yu’s seat.

On Table 8, Jake Schindler opened to 2,000 on the button. Aaron Ogus called in the small blind and Sean Winter three-bet to 11,500 from the big blind. Schindler four-bet to 28,000 and Ogus got out of the way. Winter shoved for 66,000 more effective and Schindler pitched his hand into the muck.

Ankush Mandavia – 260,000
Sean Winter – 115,000
Jake Schindler – 66,000
Ben Yu – Eliminated

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