Benjamin Jacobs Doubles Thru Naj Ajez

Dec 18, 2023

Benjamin JacobsPhoto:  Benjamin Jacobs

Naj Ajez raises to 250,000 from the button, Benjamin Jacobs (who had recently doubled up Bogdan Chornyy) three-bets to 700,000 from the small blind, Ajez four-bets to 2,000,000, Jacobs five-bets all in for 8,575,000, and Ajez calls.

Ajez:  Diamond QClub Q
Jacobs:  Spade ADiamond A

The flop comes Heart QClub 10Club 5, giving Ajez a set of queens to pull ahead.

The turn is the Heart A, however, giving Jacobs a set of aces to retake the lead.

The river is the Diamond 3, keeping Jacobs’ bigger set best to give him the double.

Benjamin Jacobs  –  17,400,000  (139 bb)
Naj Ajez  –  9,500,000  (76 bb)

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