Big Cooler Sees Stuart Guite Takes the Lead

Aug 25, 2020

Andrey Kotelnikov raises the button to 1.2 million with Heart 6Heart 4 and Stuart Guite calls with Spade 8Club 6.

Kotelnikov hits bottom pair with an open-ended straight draw on the Spade 4Diamond 7Heart 5 flop but Guite has hit the top straight already. Both players check at this point.

By the time the Diamond 4 turn comes down, the likelihood of fireworks has risen dramatically as Kotelnikov now holds trip fours. He flat-calls the 3.8 million bet from Guite.

The Heart A river sees Guite bet pot and Kotelnikov calls the 11.2 million chips to see the bad news. Guite takes the 33.6 million pot and that is enough to see him take the chip lead for the first time on this final table.

Andrey Kotelnikov – 47.5 million
Stuart Guite – 53.3 million

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