Bingo Flop Gives Josef Gulas a Double

Feb 23, 2020

Josef Gulas

Renato Nowak raises to 100,000 from early position with the Club AClub J and Josef Gulas flats from the middle position with the Diamond KDiamond Q, inviting big blind Christopher Puetz to join them to the flop with the Heart 7Diamond 5.

The flop rolls out Spade AClub 10Spade J and Nowak continues for 200,000 with his top two. Gulas calls with the nuts and Puetz escapes.

The Heart 9 hits the turn, Nowak Bets, Gulas jams for 695,000, and Nowak calls.

The river comes Heart 4 and Gulas doubles up.

Josef Gulas – 2,100,000
Renato Nowak – 1,500,000

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