Brett Murray Eliminated in 17th Place by Lafaya Mitchell

May 1, 2022

Brett Murray
Photo:  Brett Murray

Brett Murray raises under the gun to 350,000, leaving himself just 75,000 behind. Jeff Kirby calls from the button, and Lafaya Mitchell moves all in from the big blind for 1,475,000.

Murray glances at the other tables before he calls all in for 425,000, and Kirby uses one of his Time Chips to tank for nearly a minute before he folds.

Murray turns over Spade 4Heart 4, and he needs it to hold to stay alive against Mitchell’s Diamond KSpade 10.

The board comes Club 10Heart 8Heart 6Diamond 8Diamond 3, and Mitchell pairs her ten on the flop to win the pot and eliminate Murray in 17th place.

Lafaya Mitchell  –  2,375,000  (32 bb)
Jeff Kirby  –  3,250,000  (43 bb)
Brett Murray  –  Eliminated in 17th Place  ($13,000)

Lafaya Mitchell
Photo:  Lafaya Mitchell

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