Brian Green Eliminated in 19th Place

May 3, 2018

Brian Green

From early position, Ryan Van Sanford opens to 5,500 before Brian Green (pictured) three-bets to 15,000 next to act.

Van Sanford responds my putting Green all in for roughly his last 80,000, and Green obliges.

Green: Spade AHeart Q
Van Sanford: Heart JClub J

With Green at-risk and looking to win this race to stay alive, the Diamond 3Heart 10Club 4 changed little.

However when the Spade J landed on the turn, Green’s outs were reduced to just a king.

The river lands the Heart 8, and Green falls in 19th place as Van Sanford climbs to over 200,000 in chips.

Ryan Van Sanford – 210,000
Brian Green – Eliminated in 19th Place

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