Byron Kaverman Eliminated by Tom Marchese; Kaverman Re-Enters

May 6, 2018

Jason Koon raises to 10,000 from under the gun, Byron Kaverman three-bets to 30,000 from the hijack, Tom Marchese four-bets to 70,000 from the button, Koon folds, Kaverman five-bets all in for about 198,000, and Marchese calls.

Kaverman: Diamond ADiamond K
Marchese: Heart QClub Q

The board runs out Diamond 10Diamond 7Heart 4Spade 8Heart 9, no help to Kaverman, giving Marchese the pot and upping his stack to nearly one million.
Kaverman, meanwhile, re-enters the tournament and draws the same seat.

Tom Marchese – 945,000
Byron Kaverman – 100,000

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