Danny Qutami Takes the Chip Lead

May 3, 2018

Danny Qutami

Danny Qutami (pictured) raises from under the gun, Justin Young calls from the button, Larry Greenberg calls from the small blind, and Allen Pock calls from the big blind.

The flop comes down Club 7Diamond 6Heart 3, Greenberg leads for 6,500, and only Qutami calls.

The turn is the Heart 2, Greenberg bets 15,000, Qutami raises to 50,000, and Greenberg calls.

The river is the Club 4, Greenberg checks, Qutami bets 86,000, and Greenberg uses a Time Chip before he folds.

Danny Qutami – 340,000
Larry Greenberg – 150,000

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