Danny Qutami vs. Stephen Chidwick

May 21, 2018

Stephen Chidwick opens from under the gun to 4,500 and Danny Qutami calls in the cutoff, as does Bryan Piccioli in the big blind.

The flop falls Spade 7Diamond JSpade 10 and after a Piccioli check, Chidwick continues for 5,500. Qutami calls, and Piccioli folds as the turn lands the Heart A.

Chidwick checks, Qutami bets out 12,000, and Chidwick calls as the river lands the Diamond Q.

Chidwick checks again, and Qutami cuts out a bet of 38,000. Chidwick doesn’t take too long to decide, and he opts to fling his cards to the muck.

Danny Qutami – 113,000
Stephen Chidwick – 80,000

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