David Peters Scores Massive Double Through Nick Schulman

May 6, 2018

David Peters

Nick Schulman raises to 11,000 from under the gun, David Peters (pictured) calls from the hijack, Jason Koon calls from the button, and Sam Soverel calls from the big blind.

The flop comes down Heart KDiamond 10Diamond 2, and action checks to Peters who bets 17,000. Koon calls, Soverel check-folds, and Schulman check-raises to 70,000. Peters calls, and Koon folds.

The turn is the Heart 3, Schulman bets 140,000, and Peters calls.

The river is the Club 8, Schulman checks, Peters shoves for 213,500, and Schulman calls after about 10 seconds.

Peters shows Heart 10Spade 10 for a set of tens, Schulman mucks, and Peters doubles up.

David Peters – 893,500
Nick Schulman – 63,500

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