David Peters Takes from Jake Schindler

May 6, 2018

Jake Schindler_David Peters

From under the gun, Jake Schindler opens to 25,000 and David Peters calls next to act.

The flop lands Heart 2Diamond 2Diamond 3 and Schindler continues for 57,000. Peters calls, and on the turn of the Spade 3, Schindler bets 135,000 and Peters calls.

The river is the Club 8, and after being forced to use a time extension button, Schindler announces a bet of 325,000.

Peters instantly calls, and Schindler tables his Spade JClub J.

However, it would be Peters’ Heart QDiamond Q that would earn him the checkmark as Schindler drops to roughly 10 big blinds.

David Peters – 1,820,000
Jake Schindler – 130,000

Jake Schindler

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