Dominik Nitsche Chipping Back Up

May 21, 2018

Liv Boeree opens to 4,500 from under the gun and Dominik Nitsche calls from a few seats over, as does Jared Jaffee in the small blind, and Ray Qartomy in the big.

The flop lands Diamond 9Diamond 6Spade 4 and the action checks round to Nitsche who bets 15,000. Jaffee calls, and Qartomy and Boeree both fold.

The turn lands the Diamond K and both players check as the Spade 10 completes the board on the river.

Jaffee checks, Nitsche bets 35,000, and after about a minute of deliberation, Jaffee mucks.

Dominik Nitsche – 137,900
Jared Jaffee – 173,000

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