Edward Hatzakortzian Eliminated by Ryan Tosoc

May 20, 2018

Ryan Tosoc

Following the river of a Spade JDiamond 8Heart 6Heart 2Diamond 7 board with about 20,500 in the pot, Edward Hatzakortzian bets 7,000 from the small blind. WPT Champions Club member Ryan Tosoc (pictured) reraises all in for 22,950, and Hatzakortzian tanks for a bit before he calls all in for slightly less.

Tosoc tables Spade AClub A for a pair of aces, Hatzakortzian shows a defeated Heart 9Club 9 for a pair of nines, and Tosoc scores the elimination.

Ryan Tosoc – 64,000
Edward Hatzakortzian – Eliminated

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