Eli Berg Doubles Through Ali Imsirovic

May 5, 2018

Eli Berg

Entry number two is not going as planned for Ali Imsirovic as he doubled up Eli Berg (pictured) before the end of the second level.

Picking up the action on a flop of Club QSpade 8Heart 2, Berg checked the small blind and Imsirovic patted from the cutoff. Ben Yu bet 4,500 on the button and Berg called. Imsirovic raised to 13,500 and Yu got out of the way.

Berg used a time chip and raised all-in for 38,000. Imsirovic called and Berg turned up Club 8Diamond 8 for a set. The Diamond ASpade A of Imsirovic had two immediate outs. The Diamond J turn and Heart K river completed the board and Berg doubled up.

Eli Berg – 110,000
Ali Imsirovic – 75,000
Ben Yu – 82,000

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