Elizabeth Tedder Eliminated in Eighth Place ($8,315)

May 21, 2018

Liz Tedder_Matt Montgomery

Elizabeth Tedder (pictured above left) moves all in preflop for 560,000 under the gun, and Matt Montgomery (pictured above right) calls to cover her UTG+1. The two players then table their cards.

Tedder: Diamond 6Club 6
Montgomery: Spade ADiamond K

Board: Spade QDiamond 4Spade 3Spade 10Spade 5

Tedder is eliminated on the hand in eighth place, good for $8,315, and Montgomery increases his chip lead to 1.8 million after the hand.

Matt Montgomery – 1,800,000 (45 bb)
Elizabeth Tedder – Eliminated in Eighth Place ($8,315)

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