Ethan "Rampage" Yau Gets Paid By Cherish Andrews

Nov 24, 2023

Ethan Rampage Yau
Photo:  WPT Global Ambassador Ethan “Rampage” Yau

Ethan “Rampage” Yau bets 2,300 from the cutoff on a flop of Club KSpade 5Diamond 9 and Cherish Andrews raises to 8,000 in middle position.

Yau calls and the Diamond K falls on the turn. Andrews continues for 10,000 and Yau again calls to the Diamond 2 river.

Andrews now slows down and checks, and Yau fires out 31,000. Andrews tanks for a minute before calling as Yau turns over Heart KClub Q for trip kings to win the pot.

Ethan “Rampage” Yau – 120,000 (100 bb)
Cherish Andrews – 130,000 (108 bb)

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