Fabrizio Fuchs Takes One Multiway

Sep 7, 2023

Fabrizio FuchsPhoto: Fabrizio Fuchs

Following a limp from Adrijan Bat under the gun, Fabrizio Fuchs raises to 4,000 and gets calls from Stephen Song in the cutoff and Duc Long Nguyen in the big blind.

The flop comes Club AClub JHeart 2 and action checks to Fuchs who bets 6,500. Song and Nguyen both call to see the turn Spade 10.

The trio then checks to the Heart 5 river where Nguyen bets 8,800 and gets called by Fuchs as Song folds behind them.

Nguyen shows Diamond KHeart J for a pair of jacks, but Fuchs rolls over Heart AClub Q for a pair of aces to take down the pot.

Fabrizio Fuchs – 88,000 (73 bb)
Adrijan Bat – 101,000 (84 bb)
Stephen Song – 71,000 (59 bb)
Duc Long Nguyen – 54,000 (45 bb)

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