For the Love of the Game

Mar 31, 2007

While Barry Greenstein and Victor Ramdin are en route, Eugene Todd is here suffering the rigors of his journeys.

Todd, who always seems to go deep in WPTs, boarded a plane in Monte Carlo at 3:30 AM EST. He landed at JFK airport in New York, where his luggage was promptly lost. He was the only victim of the mistake on the flight.

With a little time during his layover, Eugene left the airport and made his way to his Brooklyn home, gave his kids a kiss, grabbed a change of clothes, went back to the airport and made his way here.

The worst part of it is, he had to give up a sweet deal in Monte Carlo. Unlike most of the pros who made the trip there, Eugene won his entry for the EPT online, getting six nights of $600-per-night hotel accommodation as part of the package while the rest of the poker world clamored for a decent place to stay near the tournament. Since he was about to abandon the room, he tossed the keys to Kevin O

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