Frank Funaro Doubles Thru Brian Green

Nov 10, 2023

Frank FunaroPhoto:  Frank Funaro

Frank Funaro raises to 2,200 from middle position, the player in the small blind calls, and Brian Green calls in the big blind.

The flop comes Spade KHeart JHeart 6, the small blind checks, and Green bets 5,000. Funaro raises to 15,000, the small blind folds, Green reraises all in with a covering stack, and Funaro calls all in for 55,600.

Funaro:  Heart QHeart 10
Green:  Heart KDiamond J

The Club 7 turn and Heart 9 river complete the board, giving Funaro a flush to double through Green.

Frank Funaro  –  119,300  (119 bb)
Brian Green  –  21,500  (22 bb)

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