Greg Grissom and Ian Bott Eliminated by Brandon Eisen

Jun 28, 2018

Shortly after the Money Bubble burst, there was a three-way all-in situation at Table 36. Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts:

Brandon Eisen: Heart AClub A
Ian Bott: Club KHeart J
Greg Grissom: Spade KSpade Q

The board comes Spade 9Heart 8Diamond 6Diamond KClub 7, and the pocket aces held up for Eisen to win the entire pot and eliminate both Bott and Grissom from Day 1E.

Brandon Eisen  –  274,000  (91 bb)
Ian Bott  –  Eliminated in 48th Place  ($900)
Greg Grissom  –  Eliminated in 47th Place  ($900)

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