Hand #107: Alon Messica Eliminated in 4th Place ($265,000)

Dec 19, 2022

Alon Messica EliminationPhoto:  Alon Messica

Alon Messica completes the small blind to 1,200,000 with Diamond KDiamond 6, Young Eum raises from the big blind to 4,000,000 with Club ASpade 6, and Messica calls.

The flop comes Diamond AClub JDiamond 4, Messica checks, Eum bets 2,200,000, and Messica calls.

The turn card is the Heart 2, Messica checks, Eum bets 6,200,000, and Messica thinks for a while before he calls.

The river card pairs the board with the Heart 4, Messica checks, Eum moves all in, and Messica thinks for a surprisingly long time before he calls all in for 12,600,000 with Diamond KDiamond 6 for a king-high hero call.

But Eum turns over his Club ASpade 6 to win the pot with two pair, aces and fours, eliminating Messica in fourth place.

Seat 2.  Lara Eisenberg  –  36,300,000  (30 bb)
Seat 4.  Stephen Song  –  46,300,000  (39 bb)
Seat 5.  Alon Messica  –  Eliminated in 4th Place  ($265,000)
Seat 6.  Young Eum  –  80,800,000  (67 bb)

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