Hand #110: Lara Eisenberg Doubles Thru Young Eum to Take the Chip Lead

Dec 19, 2022

Lara Eisenberg Doubles Through Young Eum With Spade Freeroll-9Photo:  Lara Eisenberg

Lara Eisenberg raises from the button to 2,400,000 with Spade ASpade Q, Young Eum reraises from the big blind to 8,500,000 with Club AHeart Q, and Eisenberg moves all in for 33,300,000.

Eum quickly calls, and unless somebody makes a flush (wise has the advantage since she’s suited), it’ll be a chopped pot.

The board comes Heart JSpade 8Spade 7Spade KDiamond J, and Eisenberg turns a spade flush to win the pot and double up into the chip lead.

Lara Eisenberg  –  68,400,000  (57 bb)

Lara Eisenberg Doubles Through Young Eum With Spade Freeroll-4

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