Hand #14: Frank Funaro Eliminated in 5th Place ($1,301,000)

Dec 20, 2022

Frank Funaro Elimination-2Photo:  Frank Funaro

Eliot Hudon raises from the button to 3,200,000 with Spade KHeart K, Frank Funaro moves all in from the small blind for 28,400,000 with Heart AClub 10, and Hudon snap-calls.

Funaro needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade JDiamond 6Club 2Diamond KClub J, and Hudon wins the pot with a full house, kings full of jacks, to eliminate Funaro in fifth place.

Seat 1.  Frank Funaro  –  Eliminated in 5th Place  ($1,301,000)
Seat 2.  Jean-Claude Moussa  –  22,000,000  (14 bb)
Seat 3.  Adam Adler  –  26,600,000  (17 bb)
Seat 5.  Benny Glaser  –  70,000,000  (44 bb)
Seat 6.  Eliot Hudon  –  177,100,000  (111 bb)

Frank Funaro Elimination-3

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