Hand #2: Money Bubble Bursts as Stephen Song is Eliminated by Felix Kretschmann

Sep 8, 2023

Stephen Song
Photo:  Last Season’s WPT Prime Champion Stephen Song

In Hand #2 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, there were two all-in situations at Tables 24 and 25.

At Table 25, last season’s WPT Prime Champion Stephen Song moves all in from the button for 112,000, and Felix Kretschmann calls from the big blind with Heart KClub Q.

Song turns over Heart QHeart 10, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club AHeart JSpade 2Diamond 9Club 10, and Song paired his ten on the river, but the same card gave Kretschmann an ace-high straight to win the pot. Song is eliminated on the Money Bubble, and the remaining 30 players are in the money and advancing to Day 2.

Felix Kretschmann  –  430,000  (54 bb)
Stephen Song  –  Eliminated on the Money Bubble

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