Hand #51: Joel Miller Eliminated in 3rd Place (CAD $115,570)

May 5, 2016

Perceval bust sMiller
Photo:  Joel Miller (left) and Ruben Perceval (right)

Hand #51  –  Seth Davies raises from the button to 130,000, Joel Miller reraises from the small blind to 350,000, and Ruben Perceval tanks for a while before he moves all in from the big blind for about 3.3 million.

Davies folds, and Miller calls all in with Spade QClub Q. Perceval turns over Heart KClub K, and Miller needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond ADiamond 8Club 5Heart 5Spade 8, and the pocket kings hold up for Perceval to win the pot and eliminate Miller in third place.

Seat 1.  Seth Davies  –  6,780,000 (115 bb)
Seat 3.  Joel Miller  –  Eliminated in 3rd Place (CAD $115,570)
Seat 4.  Ruben Perceval  –  5,680,000 (95 bb)

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