Hand #76: Ky Nguyen Wins His Sixth Hand in a Row

May 27, 2023

Ky Nguyen
Photo:  Ky Nguyen

Ky Nguyen completes the small blind to 150,000, and Ryan Salunga checks his option in the big blind.

The flop comes Club QHeart 5Diamond 4, Salunga checks, Nguyen bets 150,000, and Salunga calls.

The turn card pairs the board with the Club 5, and both players check.

The river card is the Heart 8, Salunga checks, Nguyen bets 375,000, and Salunga calls. Nguyen shows Club QSpade 7 for two pair, queens and fives, and Salunga mucks. Nguyen wins the pot.

Seat 1.  Ryan Salunga  –  1,725,000
Seat 3.  Ky Nguyen  –  15,675,000

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