Hands #107-110

May 25, 2023

S21 WPT Gardens Poker Championship

Hand #107:

Chris Lee opens to 150,000 from late position, WPT Ambassador Brad Owen calls from the small blind and Ky Nguyen calls from the big blind. 

They check down the Club JDiamond 10Heart 5Heart 2Heart K board. Owen shows Spade 9Heart 9 but is no good against Nguyen’s Diamond AClub 10 pair of tens. 

Ky Nguyen – 2,100,000 (28 bb)
Brad Owen – 2,475,000 (33 bb)
Chris Lee – 3,875,000 (52 bb)

Hand #108:

Ryan Salunga opens to 225,000 from the cutoff and everyone folds. 

Hand #109:

Ryan Salunga opens to 150,000 from the hijack. Brad Owen three-bets to 425,000 from the cutoff. Salunga folds.

Owen shows Spade ASpade K

Hand #110:

Thomas Choi opens to 175,000 from the button and Chris Lee moves all in having him covered. Choi folds. 

Chris Lee – 4,100,000 (55 bb)
Thomas Choi – 500,000 (7 bb)

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