Hands #16-18: Victor Paredes Wins a Nice Pot with a Straight Against Albert Tapia

Apr 4, 2023

Victor ParedesPhoto:  Victor Paredes

HAND #16  –  Chipleader Alejandro Jauregui moves all in from the small blind, taking the blinds and ante.

HAND #17  –  Jeremy Joseph completes the small blind to 125,000, Albert Tapia raises from the big blind to 525,000, and Joseph folds. Tapia shows Spade JHeart J as he takes the pot.

HAND #18  –  Albert Tapia completes the small blind to 125,000, and Victor Paredes checks his option in the big blind. The flop comes Heart JDiamond 9Spade 6, Tapia bets 200,000, and Paredes calls. The turn card is the Club 8, Tapia checks, Paredes bets 475,000, and Tapia calls.

The river card is the Diamond 6, Tapia checks, and Paredes uses at least two Time Chips to tank for a while before he bets 1,400,000. Tapia uses one of his Time Chips to tank for a while before he calls.

Paredes shows Spade QHeart 10 to win the pot with a queen-high straight, and Tapia mucks.

Seat 1.  Scott Eskenazi  –  6,700,000
Seat 2.  Alejandro Jauregui  –  10,775,000
Seat 3.  Jeremy Joseph  –  1,675,000
Seat 4.  Albert Tapia  –  4,150,000
Seat 5.  Victor Paredes  –  6,100,000

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