Hands #167-170: Heads-Up Play

Apr 4, 2023

HAND #167  –  Jeremy Joseph limps for 500,000, and Scott Eskenazi checks his option. Both players check to the river on a board of Spade AHeart KSpade 8Diamond 4Club 10, Eskenazi bets 800,000, and Joseph folds. Eskenazi takes the pot.

HAND #168  –  Scott Eskenazi limps for 500,000, Joseph moves all in for 9,500,000, and Eskenazi folds. Joseph takes the pot.

HAND #169  –  Jeremy Joseph limps for 500,000, Scott Eskenazi raises to 1,400,000, and Joseph calls. The flop comes Club 8Heart 6Diamond 3, Eskenazi bets 1,300,000, and Joseph thinks for a while before he calls.

The turn card is the Club 10, Eskenazi checks, Joseph bets 1,200,000, and Eskenazi check-raises all in for 16,200,000. Joseph folds, and Eskenazi takes the pot.

HAND #170  –  Scott Eskenazi limps for 500,000, Jeremy Joseph moves all in for 6,100,000, and Eskenazi folds. Joseph takes the pot.

Scott Eskenazi  –  22,300,000
Jeremy Joseph  –  7,100,000

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