Hand #40:

Chris Lee opens to 105,000 from middle position and Thomas Choi defends his big blind. 

The flop comes Diamond QHeart JHeart 3, and Choi moves all in for 465,000. Lee folds. 

Thomas Choi – 750,000 (15 bb)

Hand #41:

Chris Lee opens to 105,000 from early position and everyone folds. 

Hand #42:

Chris Lee opens to 105,000 from under the gun and Steve Spunt defends his big blind. 

Both players check the Club AClub 9Spade 7 flop. The turn brings the Spade K, Spunt checks and Lee bets 210,000. Spunt folds. 

Hand #43:

Josh Lachman moves all in from under the gun for 435,000 winning himself the pot. 

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