Hands #82-86: Seth Davies Retakes the Lead

May 5, 2016

Seth Davies
Photo:  Seth Davies

Hand #82  –  Ruben Perceval raises to 235,000, and Seth Davies calls. The flop comes Spade KHeart 4Heart 6, Davies checks, Perceval bets 280,000, and Davies calls. The turn card is the Spade Q, Davies checks, Perceval bets 455,000, and Davies calls.

The river card is the Heart 10, and both players check. Davies shows Heart 5Club 5, but Perceval turns over Club AHeart K to win the pot with a pair of kings.

Hand #83  –  Seth Davies raises to 235,000, and Ruben Perceval calls. The flop comes Spade KSpade 9Heart 8, Perceval checks, Davies bets 250,000, and Perceval calls. The turn card is the Diamond A, and both players check.

The river card is the Spade 4, Perceval bets 580,000, and Davies calls. Perceval shows Club QDiamond J, but Davies turns over Heart 7Heart 4 to win the pot with a pair of fours.

Hand #84  –  Ruben Perceval raises to 200,000, and Seth Davies calls. Both players check to the turn on a board of Club 9Diamond 4Heart 3Heart 4, Davies bets 275,000, and Perceval folds. Davies takes the pot.

Hand #85  –  Seth Davies raises to 235,000, and Ruben Perceval folds.

Hand #86  –  Ruben Perceval raises to 200,000, and Seth Davies calls. The flop comes Diamond ASpade 9Club 5, Davies checks, Perceval bets 275,000, and Davies calls. The turn card is the Heart 2, Davies checks, Perceval bets 365,000, and Davies calls.

The river card is the Diamond K, and both players check. Davies shows Heart 3Diamond 3 to win the pot, and Perceval mucks.

Seth Davies  –  6,860,000  (69 bb)
Ruben Perceval  –  5,600,000  (56 bb)

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