Hands #90-96: Heads-Up Play

May 5, 2016

Hand #90  –  Ruben Perceval raises to 280,000, and Seth Davies folds.

Hand #91  –  Seth Davies raises to 275,000, and Ruben Perceval folds.

Hand #92  –  Ruben Perceval raises to 275,000, Seth Davies reraises to 675,000, and Perceval folds. Davies takes the pot.

Hand #93  –  Seth Davies raises to 300,000, and Ruben Perceval calls. The flop comes Spade ASpade QHeart 9, Perceval checks, Davies bets 240,000, and Perceval folds. Davies takes the pot.

Hand #94  –  Ruben Perceval limps for 120,000, and Seth Davies checks his option. Both players check to the river on a board of Heart 10Heart 8Diamond 8Club AHeart A, Davies checks, Perceval bets 140,000, and Davies folds. Perceval takes the pot.

Seth Davies  –  9,930,000 (83 bb)
Ruben Perceval  –  2,530,000 (21 bb)

Hand #95  –  Seth Davies folds, giving Ruben Perceval a walk.

Hand #96  –  Ruben Perceval raises to 300,000, Seth Davies moves all in, and Perceval folds. Davies takes the pot.

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