Hands #98-99: Seth Davies Defeats Ruben Perceval

May 5, 2016

Davies busts Perceval for win
Photo:  In the final hand, Seth Davies (left) tanks the river on the final hand after Ruben Perceval (right) moves all in.

Hand #98  –  Ruben Perceval raises to 290,000, and Seth Davies folds.

Hand #99  –  Seth Davies raises to 275,000, and Ruben Perceval calls. The flop comes Heart 10Diamond 9Heart 4, Perceval checks, Davies bets 375,000, and Perceval check-raises to 1,075,000. Davies calls.

The turn card is the Heart 7, Perceval bets 800,000, and Davies calls.

The river card is the Diamond 5, and Perceval moves all in for 2,880,000. Davies tanks for a while before he calls, and Perceval shows Diamond 8Club 7 (pair of sevens).

But Davies turns over Heart KDiamond 10 to win the pot — and the WPT title — with a pair of tens.

Ruben Perceval finishes as the runner-up, earning CAD $180,088.

Seth Davies wins the partypoker WPT Canadian Spring Championship, earning CAD $274,540, a WPT Champions Trophy, and a Playground Poker Club Championship Belt. Davies’ prize money also includes his $15,000 entry into the season-ending WPT Tournament of Champions.

Congratulations to Seth Davies!

1st:  Seth Davies  –  CAD $274,540*
2nd:  Ruben Perceval  –  CAD $180,088
3rd:  Joel Miller  –  CAD $115,570
4th:  Thomas Taylor  –  CAD $85,460
5th:  Guillaume Nolet  –  CAD $64,160
6th:  Tony Dunst  –  CAD $51,400

* First-prize amount includes a US $15,000 seat into the season-ending WPT Tournament of Champions.

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