Ian Simpson Eliminated by David Peters

Nov 21, 2014

Ian SimpsonAt the start of the hand David Peters is seated in the cutoff with 270,000 (67BB), and Ian Simpson is seated on the button with 37,000 (9BB). Blinds are 2,000/4,000 A500.

The action folds to Peters who opens to 8,500, Simpson moves all-in from the button for 37,000, and after a tense minute’s thought Peters makes the call.


Peters: Aclub 6club
Simpson: Theart Tclub

“I love a sweat.” Says Simpson.

Flop: Aspade Kspade 7spade

You can hear the groans around the table for Simpson.

Turn: 9spade

“Spade dealer…spade!”

River: 6heart

The spade stays in the deck and Simpson is out.

Everyone else gets paid.

Peters ~ 315,000

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